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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Being Fancy: Dinner on the Colonial Tramcar

Trams have become a rather iconic part of Melbourne over the years, and even more iconic is probably the famed fleet of tramcar restaurants. I have often chanced upon one slowly crawling along the St Kilda tram lines, and fantasised about dinner upon it. However, I never investigated them anymore, feeling such an indulgence would be far too fancy for myself. This Christmas just gone, however, Chris and I were lucky enough to receive a voucher for an early dinner upon the Colonial Tramcar Restaurant. Naturally, we were far too excited - any gift involving food, wine and Melbourne is sure to please us. We booked in our dinner within a matter of weeks and eagerly leapt on board our tram,

The trams themselves are simply amazing to behold. The indoor decor was beautiful, representing past colonial times with plush cushions and brass fittings. The staff were wonderful and enthusiastic, as well as ever willing to ensure your wine glass was full. 

The early dinner included a three course meal of appetisers, a main, and dessert. All of it was delicious, though nothing incredibly spectacular. The wine, on the other hand, was fantastic. Experiencing the atmosphere of eating and enjoying each others company on these quaint trams was by far the highlight of the night. 

I wish I had captured more photos of the interior of the tram, but as you can see above the mood lighting was not helping my (poor) attempts at photography!

If you are ever in need of a gift for someone, or just a fancy date night with a bit of classic Melbournian twist, try it out! Have you been on any fancy date nights lately? I love going out for nights like this, I really feel like it's a great way to spend quality time with my quality man.

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